
Friday, 12 March 2010

Busy, busy, busy!!!

Well the race is on to get the house looking good enough to put on the market. What this actually means is doing a huge amount of de-cluttering. We’ve lived in this house for 18 years, we’re all hoarders so it’s a very daunting task. Luckily it’s all in good nick as we paint on a regular basis & have made a lot of improvements to the house over the years. We had professional shots done when we listed late 2008 so we can use them.

The plan is to get the house at it’s best, then while it’s on the market we’ll attack the 2 garden sheds, one huge, the garage & the boxes & boxes of stuff stored in the roof.

Trips to the charity shop have begun, gifts to friends are ongoing & I’m adding things to my ‘Jan’s Trading Page’ blog as often as possible.

Paul has started listing some things on Ebay, currently a kiln I bought in the 80’s to fire porcelain dolls in & never quite got around to.

Oh & his huge Star Trek magazine/folder collection. Let‘s hope there’s a trekkie out there. :-))) We’ll also be listing the piano, my beloved shop counter, still in two minds about that one, my Edwardian dressing table & loads of folk art stuff from the business we had in a previous life. I will also be selling most of my antique sewing machine collection.


Luckily I have sold some of the books I have on offer coz a gorgeous new book arrived on Monday. I know, I know I’m meant to be getting rid of, but I just couldn’t resist & it’s gorgeous, though I won’t have time to play for a few months yet.


Saturday, 6 March 2010

The Sale Begins!

Well it's time to rehouse some of my patterns, books, fabrics & kits so I've started a new blog to do so. 'Jan's Trading Page' is up & running with a range of books for sale. I will try & add new stuff as often as possible.

There is only one of each book, so first in best dressed. :-)))

Monday, 1 March 2010

Autumn is here & so is the latest Birth Flower.

Can it really be March already??? I guess the fact that I’ve been glued to the Olympic Games since Day 1 accounts for a lot of February. 2 golds & a silver for the Aussies, how fantastic is that???I’m just enjoying the closing ceremony & already looking forward to London 2012. I have to say though, I prefer the Winter Olympics to the Summer. I now have some lovely friends in Canada, thanks to Simon living there, so I’ve loved getting a taste of Canada & supporting them when the Aussies weren’t competing. Rowan sings the Canadian National Anthem each time they get a gold & sat waving his Canadian flag while watching the Canada/USA men’s ice hockey game. I’m guessing he’ll be off to live there in the not too distant future!!!  I absolutely loved the Canadian Moose sweaters so Rowan has started a facebook page for them. Please feel free to join. :-)))

& yes of course we joined the Norwegian Curling pants page.

Being March 1 the next instalment of the Birth Flower BOM is now available on our website.

march daffodil YES col

Please send me pics of any completed blocks, I’d love to see them!!!
