
Wednesday, 23 November 2011

I finished something. :-)

shelf 1

I bought these pine shelves last year so it was time I did something with them.

shelf 2

I pushed the back off, it was stapled with just a dab of glue so that was easy. I marked the back before I pushed it off but I needn’t have bothered as it has discoloured, so it was easy to see the sections.

shelf 3

A couple of coats of white paint.

shelf 4

I’m not a scrapbooker but I bought a pad of scrapbook paper thinking it might come in handy for something. I cut the paper to size & glued it to the backing with a Blustick.

shelf 7

I’d left the staples in place & the back just pushed straight back onto the shelves.

shelf 5

This cute bunting comes from a blog I follow, lucky I remembered it.  I resized it as I wanted it smaller & printed it out.

Here’s the link if you’d like some cute bunting too:

shelf 6

I glued it to some candlewicking cotton.

shelf 8

I used double sided tape to attach the bunting to the shelves.

I’m not sure what I’ll put in them yet, I’ve hung them on the dining room wall. I’ll be Xmas decorating next week, NEXT WEEK, bloody hell who stole 2011, lol. Yes well I’ll put some Xmassy things in the shelves when I decorate & worry about something more permanent next year.

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Lucky Me

I was chosen by Simone as a winner of some lovely fabrics from:


I especially like the print on the left, it looks very grown up & sophisticated to me, a style I admire but I always feel more comfortable with the pretty, cute stuff like the strawberries on the right.

They also sent me a $5 coupon so I’ll be back choosing something yummy from their lovely range.

I thought I’d throw in a couple of pics of the furry, hairy kids.


Here’s Molly licking an ice cream bowl, I love that she’s too lazy to actually get off the lounge first, lol.


& here’s Zaphod playing hide & seek with Molly. He reminds me of ds #1 when he was little, if he covered his eyes he thought we couldn’t see him.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

New Fabric Stockist

Today I checked out one of the lovely blogs I follow:

& they have a special offer on. A free grab bag of fabric, all I had to do was visit their new website & choose my fave fabric & blog about it. Easier said than done!!!! I ended up with about half a dozen fabrics on my short list & managed to narrow it down to these:

I love anything French & this also has a vintage look to it, so win, win!!

This print would make a very yummy bag &

very art nouveau!!!!

This is the website, they have some beautiful fabrics & the most importantly the prices are good.

Monday, 7 November 2011

October Books

Quite a lot of reading in October, adding up to quite a lot of late nights.


I’ve read the “Doctor’ books quite a few times over the years & they never fail to make me laugh. I had to do a book review when I was at school & whereas the others were reviewing children’s books, I chose Doctor in the House. I read out a section that in retrospect probably was not overly appropriate, but when I read it out to dad, he roared laughing so that was good enough for me.

Mum loved watching Peyton Place so my sister & I had to be in bed before it started. I always wondered what it was about so when I saw the book in my fave vintage shop I knew I had to read it. I really enjoyed it & I’d like to see the original movie rather than the series.

dot.homme was about the new trend of internet dating & was a good fun book with some serious issues too.

I really enjoyed A Crowded Marriage, there were some very funny bits. I woke dh up several times as I burst out laughing as I read it.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

My ‘Tis the Season’ top is together!

I’d hoped/planned to be all finished by the end of October, but I didn’t take into account it was Mum’s birthday on the 27th. This year I set myself a challenge to make everyone’s birthday gifts, so that was my priority.


I did get my top finished & I will be layering it today, unless I decide to change a little stitching.  Using different colours has been tricky, as some don’t show up very well. So I’ll be taking a long, hard look, to see if I should use stronger colours on a few things.

I haven’t decided yet how I will be quilting it. It will most likely be a combination of hand & machine quilting. I can’t sit for long at the machine, so I might just machine quilt the edge of the white stitchery squares & then do some big stitch quilting on the borders.

I will be binding it with a red print & I’ll make the binding wider than usual so it becomes a thicker ‘frame.’