
Wednesday, 7 May 2014

I'm back, with a little catch up!

It's been so long since I blogged, & it seemed the longer I left it, the harder it seemed to get back into it. Do I try to catch up all the months or do I just mention a few things? Silly really, 'Nobody cares mum,' said Rowan, & he's right. I started a blog as a diary to push me along to finish things. I wanted to be able to simply scroll down a page & see things I had done to know I was achieving something! 

Not a lot has been achieved lately, life is a day at a time experience at the moment. I know I mentioned a while back that dh & I had separated, well we spent a lot of time in counselling last year & deep down I was sure that we would sort things out. Wrong! He decided at the beginning of this year that it was all too hard, not worth the effort, so I only see or hear from him if he wants something, not often. Life is less stressful without the arguments & I have a lot less headaches which is really great! But it's hard adjusting to a life you didn't envisage. When you've been married for 34 years it's impossible not to have a picture in your head of how life will go, & now that's all changed. I like the freedom it's brought, I don't have to ask permission to do anything, I finally get to be an adult. Oh it would be nice to have someone to talk over the big stuff with, or even the small stuff, but that was never his forte so......... anyway enough of that. What have I been doing?

Well I have been working around the house, trying to finish off a lot of half done diy projects. My old sewing room is now a lovely big family room. The old study is a guest bedroom & the new walk-in pantry is brilliant. My new sewing room is working really well for me, I will take some pics of it soon. 

Last month was wonderful as ds Simon came over from Canada for a visit, just a week, but it gave us a chance to catch up. I actually had my 3 kids together for a just a day, which means the world to me.

Well my little foray into the vintage world has been ticking along, though a little neglected. By chance I saw that a stall was coming up at The Vintage Emporium, Tyabb, one of my fave vintage haunts, so I applied & was offered the spot. YAY! I have so much stuff to sell & I do love playing shops, ie. setting up & sourcing stock, without having to be there everyday to do the selling. Luckily Emma has a big work van so she drove it down last Sunday & we loaded up all my goodies & drove down to set up my new space. We had to dodge some heavy downpours but we were pretty lucky. Emma has decided to go halves with the stall, which is just brilliant. She has a great eye for vintage & decorating so I know her flair will be a real advantage. If you like you can follow my Carry On Vintage Facebook page. I don't post often so you won't be inundated with posts. :-)

I haven't been reading much lately, I've been playing silly games on my iPad instead. I will dig out the books I have read & do a blog on them soon.

Well a bit of a catch up, now I just need to blog regularly again. Well done if you got this far. :-D