
Monday, 30 August 2010

This ‘n’ That

Here we are nearly at the end of August, before you know it the Christmas decs will be in the shops!!!

Last week was a bit of a lost week really. Major fatigue hit last Sunday & didn’t lift until Thursday. I googled & found the most likely cause to be an auto-immune disease, as I have 3, I had plenty to choose from. I’m thinking the fibromyalgia is the most likely suspect. I’ve certainly had a lot of fatigue with it but this was the worst experience. I didn’t even have the strength to sew!!!

Wednesday was our 31st wedding anniversary, how time flies!!!

rosesrosescloseupPaul gave me 2 dozen roses, real long stemmed roses that smell like roses & have opened into beautiful big, rosey roses.

Anyway on the upside I’ve made up for lost time the last couple of days. We brought another 376 boxes & plastic containers in from the garage & unpacked them. Well maybe not quite 376 but it felt like it. I now have most of my novels unpacked & quite a lot of my yardage.

Friday we finally sorted the ‘games’ room & it looks great. We now have the Wii & the Playstation set up & a cupboard full of bored, I mean board games.

Meanwhile Paul managed to track down some Jarrah for the sewing room. Now it will sit in situ for a few weeks to acclimatize.

We’ve started work on the pink room so it’s ready for my friend's visit in a few weeks. I had plans to make a red & white quilt for that room but with less than 3 weeks till she arrives I think I’ll put that idea on hold & just concentrate on making the room nice & welcoming.

Our old house went to auction on Saturday, the agent tells us the market is dead & suggested a ridiculous reserve. Funny but prices seemed to have picked up everywhere else, so are we to believe it’s just the Central Coast in a major downturn or perhaps the agents just haven’t been told things are on the up!!! I think we might just let  the house for a year or so & try again this time next year.

The weather is appalling, it has been since we arrived the beginning of July, I’m hoping that the arrival of Spring next week may herald some calm, sunny weather. We’ve spent very little time in the garden as it’s nearly always raining with gale force winds. I’m looking forward putting in some new plants. There’s a lot of boring looking plants that basically look like big clumps of dead grass. I plan to dig them all up & put in some agapanthus & other ‘green’ pretty plants. I’d also like to check out the local beaches & have a good look around the area.

I have to stress though, that although the weather has been less than pleasant, I would still rather be here than anywhere else. :-)))

We had some good news this week, we finally have in interview, next week, at the school we’d like Rowan to go to, so fingers crossed it goes well & he is accepted.

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