
Monday, 20 September 2010

Good Day. :-)

I had a very productive day today, First I had some blood tests my new Dr ordered last week, then home for breakfast as some were tests you had to fast for.

Then I finally caught up on my calendar quilt squares. I now have one cut for every day of this year so far. I was months behind with the move, but was determined to catch up. I tried to jot down something for each day but where I missed out I simply put a fabric I like. I also had a lot of days that just said ‘eBay'.’ Ugh I ended up putting repetitive fabrics & circles coz I felt like I was going in circles most of the time!!!

That done I decided to tart up my boring old hessian covered noticeboard. Off came the hessian & on went some pretty black & white floral fabric I bought just for this purpose. I then added turquoise ribbons. Now I just have to find some new stuff to put on it as most of the stuff I took off when I packed is very old!!!

noticeboard2 manequin2My dear friend Helen came to stay for a few days so we hit the shops. I spotted this & couldn’t resist it. Helen insisted on buying it for me as a late 50th Birthday pressie.  Pretty cute huh??

We went to the Kaisercraft store at DFO Moorabbin, I’d looked there recently & didn’t buy anything but I’d had an idea for something I saw there, so I had another browse & ended up with a few fun things.

image This is what I was after. I want to make & embellish a journal of leaves to represent the 4 seasons.


Hmmmm, Hogwarts perhaps????


Not sure what I’ll do with this one. I have a ‘thing’ about trees so lots of ideas are going through my head.

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