
Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Books & Mug Rugs

Paul & I decided to check out the op shops in the area looking for bits to put in the new verandah area we’re working on. We didn’t find anything suitable but I did find an op shop with a fantastic range of books. I’ll enjoy sitting on the verandah reading them. :-)


When I carried the books out to photograph them, I dropped a couple of them & this card fell out of ‘Evening Class.’ Now there are a lot of names in the world, so for the name on the card to be the same as my eldest ds is a bit of a coincidence!!!evening class

Sewing wise I seem to have caught the Mug Rug Bug, try saying that 3 times!!!! I have finished 3 & have plans for many more.


I have to admit the binding is time consuming but I saw some coasters on a blog this morning & they had been ‘birthed,’ rather than bound & they had ricrac sewn into the seam. I think they look great & would save lot’s of time, so I’ll be giving that a go.

mugrugjapmugrugjapmugI’m going to a quilt group Xmas party next week, it’s the first Xmas party I’ve been to in years, & I decided to make a Mug Rug for my Kris Kringle gift. Of course it should have a mug to match so I did the smart thing & went in search of the mug first. I spotted this cute Japanese style mug & as I have a collection of Japanese fq’s thought it would be ideal.It even has a lid to keep your drink hot.


  1. OMG Jan ... they are brilliant!!! ... Where do I find a pattern, because I can definitely see myself making some of those? ... :-)

  2. Hi Jan. Your mug rugs are looking lovely. I like the cheerful colours in the first two, but also like the great match you have achieved with the mug in the third one.

  3. show and tell for Wednesday Jan. They are lovely mug rugs, which op shop did you find the books?

  4. Hmmm they may work to go in some kids stockings I have to fill this year. I had forgotten them.
    Could be afternoon tea when you get home from school mats.

  5. I do hope the Mug Rug Bug is contagious.....I have plans to make a few for my work friends as christmas gifts this year?

  6. Hi friends!
    I hope that you will feeling comfortable in these rugs. Because you have made attractive and lovely mug rugs. I want that share all those stuff on social networking sites.
    Modern rugs
