
Wednesday, 2 February 2011

I finished it!!!

Woohoo I sewed on the flowers last night.

 lucy bag2lucy bag lucy bag3 lucy bag4 lucy bag5 lucy bag6 lucy bag7 

It’s not perfect, which means of course I’ll have to make another one, but it is yummy. Try as hard as might I could not get my bottom flat & my sides slope out too much, funny how the description of the bag matches my description!!!! :-)

If anyone can give me tips for a flat bottom & straighter sides I’d be grateful.

Here’s a link to the perfect original Lucy bag complete with tutorial:

& for another treat check out Lucy’s current post:


  1. I don't have a flat bottom or straight sides either, but I do think your bag looks great!!
    I love the colours you chose and I think the little flowers are adorable!!

  2. Looks fabulous just the way it is Jan! Perhaps a smaller hook will give you the tigher more upright bag you were hoping for?
