
Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Japanese Tragedy

Love On Japan | Crash Quake Relief

Please check out this Facebook page, it will show what ‘Crash’ are doing to help the victims. There is also a link to donate if you can, (on the left of the page).

If you’re not on Facebook, here is their website:

Can you imagine how it would feel if this was your main street?

& after standing in a queue for hours this is what faces you in the supermarket?

& all the while the threat of dangerous radiation levels hangs over you?

It’s just beyond comprehension.

When I was 7yo, Dad, who was a Squadron Leader with the RAAF, was given a transfer & my family moved to Melbourne for 2 years. We lived in a flat & our lovely neighbours in the flat next door were a Japanese couple & their gorgeous 2yo son Kenichi. I absolutely loved Kenichi & spent as much time as possible with him. His family took me into their home & made me feel so welcome, I loved spending time with them & I have to say that home cooked Japanese food is magic!! Kenichi’s mother also did beautiful embroidery that she showed Mum & I.

mekenichikenichi & me2

Our families became firm friends & kept in touch at Christmas after we moved back to NSW, & they moved back to Japan.
Sadly we lost touch, but roll on a few decades & while searching on Facebook I found his father & then Kenichi. It was strange seeing pictures of a grown-up Kenichi, but 40 years had passed & he had changed a little. :-) He is now married & has 2 beautiful daughters.

Three Japanese pastors speak to Japanese churches about what CRASH is and what can be done to help. (Kenichi is in the centre.) Note: the broadcast is in Japanese, with English subtitles.

Because of my friendship with this lovely family I’ve always had a soft spot for Japan. I shared my memories of them with my own children.

When the quake & tsunami hit Japan my thoughts went straight to Kenichi & I posted on his Facebook page & watched for any news. Thankfully he posted the following day, he & his family were safe, although they certainly felt the quake as they live near Tokyo.

Kenichi has posted the link to Crash Japan on his Facebook page:

Kenichi (Shinagawa) is a minister & is working with the relief people to help those affected. If you were thinking of donating to help the Japanese please consider Love On Japan | Crash Quake Relief. Join their Facebook page & you can see what they are doing to help. Or visit their website:


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