
Sunday, 24 April 2011

Easter/Eostre Mantle

easter1easter easter2 easter3 easter5easter4Dd Emma gave us all lovely Easter goody bags, lots of ‘loverly’ chockie & my bag also had the beautiful red velvet rose in it. :-)

I think it will come in very handy for my next mantle.


  1. Once again, love your mantle Jan! Can't wait to see what you've got planned for the Royal Wedding!

  2. Your Easter Tree is truly spectacular, like a soft cloud! You are a kid at heart aren't you!!

  3. Thanks Sweat pea, I hope you've had a chance to check out the Royal mantle. It was such fun to make.
    That tree has proven very useful Julie. I used it for Xmas, Valentine's Day & now Easter. It's all beautiful soft feathers.
