
Friday, 29 April 2011

Royal Wedding mantle

Well this has definitely been my most ambitious mantlepiece to date & definitely the most fun to do. I’m ‘really’ pleased with it because it’s cute & because it’s reawakened my love of miniatures.


I’m not quite sure when the street party idea popped into my head, but once it did I knew that’s what I had to do. Everything is done 1/12th scale & what I didn’t already have, I made.

Here it is the night before the wedding, bunting & lights in place.

rw1 rw2 rw3

The day of the wedding & it comes alive!!!!

rw8 rw7 

rw4rw5 rw6rwmug

Pinky sent me this cute little mug years ago, it usually lives in my miniature quilt shop. I must post pics of that one day.


& the beanie bear Royal couple. Something tells me ds will think they will make a nice addition to his beanie bear collection. I don’t think so. :-))))

The car is from dh’s collection & I picked the cute teapot in an op shop a few weeks ago. In fact that’s where the street party idea might have come from…….


  1. You have excelled yourself this time, how wonderful it all looks. Have a nice evening watching the wedding on TV.

  2. Thanks Jenny. I'm sure I'll enjoy it. I'm looking forward to seeing the dress!!!
    Yes chookyblue, so tiny. The sandwiches were a challenge, the longest side of the triangle is 1/4". They kept sticking to my fingers, lol.

  3. Fabulous you clever motivated lady.
    She who, predictably, is in nightwear, and I do not mean the party kind, who has lost her tiara...has just turned down an invite out....ribbon sandwiches which I taught the hostess to make, hence she thought of me at last min...then sausage rolls, iced wedding cake and not sure what else...but Mogs and I will watch alone and since I have not mantle piece...watching will have to do. LOL.
    I could go and do some fresh flowers but do have fresh white orchids on the table so they will have to do.

  4. Wow Jan this is amazing !! you have so much patience...the details are stunning. I love the tiny food and of course the bunting.
    Great to find your lovely blog :0)
    Have a great day.
    Jacquie x

  5. Hello, thanks for popping into my blog, nice to meet you. I love your mini-wedding mantel so sweet and such attention to detail. I wish I had thought of this clever idea xox It's genius! Hope you enjoy the wedding on tv x

  6. that is absolutely amazing, Jan!

  7. Love it, love it, love it!!! How clever you are, there were about 5 thousand street parties held but I bet your's was the best. Just popped over from happy loves rosie, Lucey xx

  8. YOU ARE AMAZING! What a fabulous display!

  9. Love it, it is amazing. Loved the Easter one too.

  10. What fantastic sets you have made! The detail is really amazing!!! I went to a great party all dressed in red, white and blue and got a little bit sloshed! lol!

  11. Thanks everyone for your lovely comments.
    Well wasn't the wedding fabulous!!!! I loved the dress & veil. They just looked so happy & so did everyone involved.
    I was suitably dressed for the occasion, best pj's, purple dressing gown (purple being a royal colour) & my tiara. :-)))
