
Monday, 11 April 2011

Veggie Patch Update

Everything is doing well in our veggie garden.

april 11th april 11th b april 11th carrots onions

Carrots & onions,
 april 11th silverbeet beetroot

silverbeet & beetroot,

april 11th cauliflowers  & cauliflowers.

april 11th leeks

A little hard to see the leeks,

 april 11th cauliflower

& more caulies with a random tomato that came up in the front yard.

april 11th polyanthus 
& my lovely polyanthus are doing well &

april 11th first flower

my first flower!!!

We planted broad beans, garlic & peas last week.


  1. Obviously the spot does get sufficient sunlight! Looking good!

  2. Thanks Julie, so far so good. :-))
