
Sunday, 9 October 2011

September Books

Three books this month.


Pride & Prejudice, again. ‘grin’ Sometimes you just need a Mr Darcy fix.

The Lovely Bones, I’ve never read anything like this, I really enjoyed it.

Cloudstreet, loved it. A true Aussie story of two families, warts & all. It’s set in the 40’s, 50’s & early 60’s. Sad, strange, funny, everything a good book needs.

hp shelves

A big change to my books this month, we moved our Harry Potter shelves from the loungeroom, upstairs to our Harry Potter area.


I brought my cube shelves out of my sewing room to where the HOP shelves were, & packed all my novels into them.

They are two books deep & when we get the time, & energy, we will build platforms to go at the back of each cube to set the back row up higher.


Of course Zaphod had to help with the move.

Bringing the shelves out of the sewing room meant I had to reorganise all the stuff that was in them. Truth is, the sewing room wasn’t working for me, it was just too packed & driving me batty, so I used this as a chance to rethink & reorganise the whole room.

I’ll tell that story with before & after pics in my next post. Smile


  1. Hi Jan! Thanks for visiting my blog and for your nice comment about "Binky's Garden." I did a double take when I saw your sweet kitteh! Zaphod (What a great name!) looks very much like Binky!

  2. Wow what a coincidence!! Our Binky was a big old tabby, an absolute sweetie. The kids used to dress her up in their teddy's clothes & wheel her around in a dolls pram & he loved it.
