
Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Still Here

Just so you know I haven't dropped off the face of the earth, my laptop died about a month ago & although I now have my dd's to use, I can't get live writer to recognize this blog, & I don't have any programs in place to deal with photos, so I'm unable to blog properly. I'm relying on ds to help me get set up, but he's in a typical 16yo teenage mood & not being overly helpful.

Life is a challenge at the moment,, dh & I separated last month, just short of our 33rd wedding anniversary. It had to happen, I just couldn't take anymore of his passive aggressive personality. Months & months of couples counselling to address the problem made no difference.

Hopefully I'll get myself sorted & be able to blog properly soon.


  1. Sorry to hear you and hubby have separated but the truth of the matter is that is is better to distance yourself from that which is making you unhappy. Hope you get your computer up and running again soon!
    supporting you from afar,
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  2. Oh, I feel for you! take care of YOURSELF first, then others second at this time of your life. I've been with my hubs for 32 years, and sometimes I wonder!!! peace and comfort is my prayer for you.

  3. Sorry to hear about your separation. You are very brave to have taken this step as sometimes it's much easier to stay in an unrewarding relationship than to get out of one. Sending you lots of positive thoughts! Hope to see you back on track soon.

  4. So sorry that you are having relationship difficulties, my girlfriend is in the same situation at the moment, they have been in trial separation mode for 3 months, he's moving back in this weekend, but not holding out much hope, unfortunately. What is it with men and their emotions and feelings, they keep them bottled up to the detriment of their relationships. When will they learn.

  5. Sounds like enough on your plate without worrying about a blog.
    Look after yourself.

  6. Remember to look after yourself first. Separating is never easy and full of emotions. We will be here waiting for you and thinking of you. take care. hugs

  7. I've been a bit remiss on catching up on blogs I follow and I've only just read your post about separating from your husband. I'm sorry to hear you have had a difficult year, I wish you a peaceful 2013 and for you to keep doing what makes you happy.
