I’ve moved sewing rooms from one room to another & I’m reorganising as I go.
Ah, the door to my favourite room!
My cute door knocker.
The view as you walk in the room. I now have a work table, a sewing table & a cutting table. To the right is a lounge with two queen size quilts I’m working on.
This was Simon’s room, while he’s overseas I can use his TV, DVD etc.
Finally a designated sewing table, now I don’t have to lift my sewing machine & embellisher off & on the work table. I love the view from this window out over trees with hills in the distance. There is a tree in the neighbours garden & the birds that gather there to be fed are wonderful. Cockatoos, kookaburras, galahs, rainbow lorikeets & magpies to name a few. There is also a family of bush turkeys that live in the street & they come down to be fed too.
Most of my fabric collection, each plastic container contains different coloured fabrics.
The cutting table is waste high so I don’t have to bend. It’s a trestle table from IKEA.
Being a bedsit I have a little kitchen & an ensuite, so I can stay here all day.
The essentials!!!!
Buttons, cottons, my Quilting Arts collection & some fave books & magazines. I also have two 6’ x 3’ bookshelves in my old sewing room full of quilting/craft books & magazines.
My thimble collection. A much better idea than my idea to collect antique sewing machines!!!!!

I’m lining up projects in this set of shelves . Some are started, others I’m looking forward to getting stuck into. I have to keep squashing them closer to fit something else in that takes my fancy.
Rowan is off to camp his 2nd week back at school so I plan to shut myself in my sewing room & sew, sew, sew all day & probably half the night. I will miss him so it’s best to keep very busy.