We actually went out today & Paul actually remembered the camera. :-)
Dd Emma drove down & we all headed down to the Red Hill Show.
Don’t you just love alpacas???
There was a stall in the alpaca shed with a group of spinners. I learnt to spin way back in the 70’s & have been thinking I’d like to take it up again, I still have my spinning wheel. I got talking to a couple of the ladies, they were very friendly, & would you believe it, they have a spinning group that meets every Wednesday in the suburb I live in!!! I predict some spinning in my future. :-)
It’s been so long since I went to a show. We used to go to heaps when I was a kid. My sister bred & showed Irish Setters so there was a show most weekends. Goulburn, Gunning, Tarago, Canberra, Queanbeyan, anywhere within coo-ee of Goulburn. I loved looking at all the exhibits, especially the craft & the flowers. I’ve never put anything in a show but I would love to.
How cute are these bear cupcakes?
I loved these pretty flower cupcakes.
These hydrangeas were stunning!!! They were huge, easily as big as my head. The bottom one goes from pinky mauve on the left through to purpley mauve on the right. Her badge says Super Quilter, I love the quilting hoop tucked under her arm.
Silly me I forgot to take a note of the maker of the craft things I’m showing. I haven’t shown other people’s work before & I hope the makers won’t mind me sharing their beautiful work.
Note the cute little seal peaking round the corner. I saw his quilt & was immediately reminded of this pic Emma sent me of her partner.
Yes he’d just had an ice cream, lol. Loved the pony in the zebra suit. :-)
This funny little pig was having a lovely time foraging all around the animal pen.
I had to sing the song about the horse in stripped pajamas...I love these kinds of shows called Fairs here...so much nicer to visit the barns now that I have no sense of smell....I remember our first trip to Charleston(went there last weekend)we kept smelling something on our walks...was sort of sharp like ammonia and we couldn't figure it out at first but then realized it was the urine deposited along the shoulders of the road by the carriage and wagon horses....now they have workers who come along and clean it up....we walked by the big barn where the horses are stabled and stopped to admire them....I didn't smell a thing of course.
That Penguin quilt is awesome.
Mama Bear
These A & P Shows (Agriculture and Pastoral we call them over here) are so much fun. Love all the animals, know just where can you buy a horse in striped pyjamas?
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